категорії: стаття

Cultureship Award

теґи: Media, Projects
Annualall-Ukrainian award for mass-media for publications about modern culture


The purpose: encouragement of daily and weekly media to increase in quantity and improvement of quality of publications about modern culture, and also encouragement of journalists and editors to the fullest illumination of modern Ukrainian cultural process.

«Cultureships» will be defined by results of mass-media monitoring. The award will be handed over to unspecialized mass-media. The award will be handed over for regular, interesting and qualitative articles about modern «cultural landscape» of Ukraine.

The founder of the award is «Culbit» Internet-magazine of modern culture (www.culbit.com).

The main task of the project is increase of knowledge of public about modern culture and modern Ukrainian cultural process.


The authors of this idea and curators for the Proect:

Petro Matskevych and Kseniya Sladkevych

The organizer of the Award's ceremony:

Tetjana Sadychenko

At support: Matra/KAP Programme, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Charitable Fund «Calvaria Publishing House Foundation»