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IV International Festival of Contemporary Art “GOGOLFEST”

теґи: Festival of Contemporary Art, GOGOlfest, cultural event

IV International Festival of Contemporary Art «GOGOLFEST» has passed from 3rd to 19th of September 2010 in Art Arsenal, Kyiv. Department Cultural of projects of ours Agency has organized and has lead some literary events in the frames of the program of the Festival, and also the master-classes about a book illustration, literary translations, creative writing and creation of film-scripts for participants and visitors of «GOGOLFEST, 2009»:

  • the master-classes about a book illustration by Mykhajlo Jevshyn «The new image for Josef Švejk». The moderators: Kseniya Sladkevych&Petro Matskevych.
  • the literary meeting «Olexander Irvanets: Old and the newest». The moderator: Petro Matskevych.
  • the master-classes about film-scripts by Maryna Mednikova «As the book turns to cinema, or Terrorist 1,2,3…»
  • the presentation of the novelty by Eugenia Kononenko «Bookstore Shock». The moderators: Kseniya Sladkevych&Petro Matskevych.
  • the master-classes about literary translations by Eugenia Kononenko and Oleksa Negrebetskiy «About intimate relations of the original (man) and its translation versions (woman)». The moderator: Kseniya Sladkevych.
  • the master-classes about creative writing by Serhij Ivanyuk «How to write the best-seller, or Lysyj and Lelya». The moderators: Kseniya Sladkevych&Petro Matskevych.
  • the literary meeting «Andrey Kurkov and «Euroformat»».

1-the artist Mykhajlo Jevshyn, the master-classe
2-the artist Mykhajlo Jevshyn, the master-classe
3- the artist Mykhajlo Jevshyn, the musician Tymur Poljansjkyj
4-the artist Mykhajlo Jevshyn, the musician Tymur Poljansjkyj
5-the writer Eugenia Kononenko
6-the writer Eugenia Kononenko
7-the writer Eugenia Kononenko
8-the writer Eugenia Kononenko, the moderator Kseniya Sladkevych
9-the literary translators Eugenia Kononenko, Oleksa Negrebetskiy, the moderator Kseniya Sladkevych
10-the literary translators Eugenia Kononenko and Oleksa Negrebetskiy
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