категорії: стаття



категорії: стаття

Modern Cultural versus Borders: The new generation of modern Ukrainian literature in ...

In May (14-20), 2007, in time of the Warsaw book fair (17-20) and after XIV Polish European Meetings (5-13) in 5 cities of Poland we carried out the series of events. Aims of the project there are: intercultural dialog between new cultural generation of Ukraine and Polish developed the tolerance and good-neighbourliness within the rich diversity which forms Europe's identity. ...
категорії: стаття


We try to cooperate for our activity with different people, the organizations and institutions. Also the some people our projects were carried out at support international foundation. Our partners The Ukrainian Independent News Agency «UNIAN» (Kyiv, Ukraine) All Ukrainian NGO « Ukrainian Marketing Club» «DAKH» Contemporary Art Center (Kyiv, Ukraine) NGO «GogolFest» (Kyiv, Ukraine) The youth entertaining center «METRO» (Lviv, ...
категорії: стаття

«GogolFEST» in Each House

Creation and distribution of the regular newspaper of the international art-festival «GogolFEST 2008» (May, 6-25th 2008, Kyiv, Ukraine). The purpose of the project: Promotion initiatives that link an artistic dimension to a form of social emancipation and increasing the role of art-festival in a contemporary society. Context: UNESCO’S proclamation of the year 2009 as «Gogol’s Year» underscores the international recognition ...

категорії: стаття

Cultureship Award

Annual all-Ukrainian award for mass-media for publications about modern culture   The purpose: encouragement of daily and weekly media to increase in quantity and improvement of quality of publications about modern culture, and also encouragement of journalists and editors to the fullest illumination of modern Ukrainian cultural process. «Cultureships» will be defined by results of mass-media monitoring. The award will ...
категорії: стаття

British Mainstream in Ukraine

категорії: стаття

Open platform for debate about modern culture and art

Round Tables with the supporting web-magazine The pilot project «Calvaria’s Round Tables in UNIAN» comes to the end in May, 2006. For this time different formats, themes, forms of work with media and with different target groups (librarians, students, editors of magazines) have been approved. In January, 2006 the new plan of realization of the project Open platform for debate ...
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